Obama Logo


We are:
  • Tabling
    Register voters and create visibility at art and wine festivals, county fairs, shopping malls, and other places with lots of people.
  • Throwing House Parties
    Meet with your friends and neighbors to share ideas and raise funds.
  • Precinct Walking and Phone Banking
    Reach out to the community to educate and recruit.
Want to be part of the movement?

Action to take today:
  1. Profile
    Create your personal profile on My.BarackObama.com and join groups that interest you.
  2. Donation
    Making a donation, even one of $10, adds to the campaign's momentum and sends a message that we don't want PACs and special interests to own our government.
  3. Soapbox
    Get on our virtual podium and announce why you support Obama for President.
  4. Calendar
    Check the Calendar page for events near you and sign up to attend or volunteer.
  5. Visit a Local Field Office
    Check out the Bay Area Field Offices page for places where you can get Obama stuff and volunteer.
This Campaign is About You.


"As a non-profit director, I work daily with a myriad of volunteers and have found that many of them are willing to do whatever is asked of them but most do not want to organize." — Debbie R. from Arkansas

If you are in a leadership role and organize local events, keep in mind that volunteers actually want to be kept busy and productive.  Most volunteers have little to no interest in political meetings, status reports, parliamentary procedure, and the like.

Tabling Information

Tabling involves setting up a booth in a high pedestrian traffic area to register voters and promote Obama for President.  The easiest way to get started is to volunteer for a tabling event.

Tips and Information for Volunteers:
  1. Wear an Obama t-shirt and button.
  2. Have an introduction line to draw people in, like "Register to vote and get your Obama bumper sticker here.
  3. People will ask why they should vote for Obama, so be prepared with a quick statement, like "Obama carefully weighs both sides of issues.  He's progressive and reasonable and has strong cross-over appeal to Republicans.".
  4. Bring a small portable chair if you need one.

Information about Voter Registration Forms:
  1. The forms are legal affidavits and it is preferable (but not required) for people to complete the forms at the booth.
  2. The form is good for registering voters who live anywhere in California.
  3. We gladly register voters for any political party.
  4. When registered Democrats vote in the February 5th primary, they will be given ballots with the option to vote for Obama, but "Decline to State" voters will need to specifically request a Democrat ballot.
  5. The phone number and e-mail address fields are optional, but the fields will help the Office of Registrar contact them in the event of problems.
  6. Encourage everyone to register Permanent Absentee Voter as it is more convenient to vote by mail and basically ends receiving "go vote today" phones calls on election day.
For information about assembling your own booth, see the tabling section of the resources page.

House Party Information

This section not yet done.

Precinct Walking and Phone Banking Information

Check out: Phonebank Map